100 Years of Emigrant Ships from Norway

Solem, Swiggum & Austheim
Cunard Line companion for Norwegian emigrants, 1903
© Børge Solem, Copyright 2000, all rights reserved.
Not to be reproduced without permission

As a proof of the progress the company have done throughout the years, we want to show the differences between the first steamer, the Britannia and the new steamers Campania and Lucania

(See table below)

As shown the Campania and Lucania are more than 3 times the length of the Britannic, and almost twice the breadth.

The Cunard Line steamers can be divided in to the following categories:

Express steamers
Campania, Lucania, Umbria and Etruria.
These steamers makes their run between Liverpool and New York at a speed of 21 - 22 knots. They are just as punctual and reliable and as any railway train. In favorable weather they have sailed a distance of 622 miles in 24 hours. They usually make the Atlantic crossing in 6 days or less. They can almost be considered luxury yachts, as they are built and equipped so fine and have an excellent comfort on 1st and 2nd class. The number of rooms are higher in in many royal residences, and the quality of accommodation is just as good as on the best hotels. One of these ships have the Atlantic record for English vessels which is: (go to next page)

 BritanniaCampania & Lucania
Tonnage:1.150 tons12.950 tons
Length:212 feet641 feet
Beam:35 feet67 feet
Depth:22 feet44 feet
Speed:8 knots21 - 22 knots
Coal consumption:
(24 hours)
38 tons500 tons
Length of crossing:14 daysc. 5 ½ days
Passengers:1151.400 average

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