Cunard lines
Roy FordhamOn the digitalarkivet website I found reference to my Mother leaving Norway as follows, Database record # 184522 Departure Date 24.11.1924 Departure Port: Trondheim Residence Ström Jämtland Line CUNARD Ship Jenb.Bergen Is there any way of finding out the ship that she travelled on of the Cunard line??
BorgeYou will probably find out by checking the Cunard Line arrivals to New York or Boston in the nearest 2-3 weeks after she left from Norway. There are several arrivals which you should check: S/S Caronia arrived to new York on November 30th (maybe a little early) S/S Aquitania arriving to New York on Dec. 9th S/S Carmania arrived to Boston on Nov. 7th You could check the Ellis Island database for the Aquitania list. Børge Solem