I don't have much info, what can I find out?
sproggHi! My great great grandfather was from Norway (so I'm told). In 1901 there is no mention of anyone by his name on the UK census, but in 1905 (aged 22 years)he married my great great grandmother in Hull (his name was Halvdan Andreas Olsen) but in all certificates since then his name is changed to Alfred Olsen. Also on his marriage certificate it says his faters name was Martin (deceased). I don't know where to go from here as this is all the information I've been given ( well almost, apart form he used to play bowls and he apparently had to sign the alien book for the war, but I also can't find any info on this either). If anyone can give me any advice or info to help me out I would be very grateful. Sprogg XX
James D. SmithMy great-grandfather Abraham Michelson (Michaelson) was born in Norway in 1865, Nov.. He immigrated to USA in 1878. Note in bible indicates he was born in Karnioien, Norway. The spelling has to be off because I can find no such place. I need help in finding who his parents were and where he really was from in Norway. My e-mail is jds1502@aol.com
HopkinsThe 1865 Norwegian census indicates an Abraham Michaelsen (born 1865) living in Farsund , Vest-Adger, Norway. http://www.rhd.uit.no/ftsoek/ftsoek.asp?kommando=bosted&ftaar=1865&spraak=engelsk_britisk&kommnr=1003&kretsnr=0149&bostnr=0149&leilnr=000
askeroiI'm afraid the cencus Abraham born 1865 is not the right person. He was born in Farsund and I believe the old bible note says your great grandfather was born in Karmøien (now: Karmøy). And that's pretty far from Farsund. Though I have no better sugestion, yet...
askeroiTo the original question: This might very well be your Alfred Olsen in the 1900 cencus in Norway - at least it's the only one born 1883 with an A. after any spelling of Halvdan...: http://digitalarkivet.uib.no/cgi-win/webcens.exe?slag=visbase&filnamn=f01301.wc2&variabel=0&postnr=17236&fulle=true&spraak=n
askeroiBack to Abraham. Born 1965 emigrated 1878? At that age he probably didn't travel alone? At least he didn't go with his father if the Farsund one is correct, as his father of the same name is still living in Farsund in the 1900 cencus. I'm quite shure this isn't the right person. And if he was born in november he might very well not be listed in the 1865 cencus with a name - he may not have been christened yet...
sproggHi! Thanks for that askeroi! Could someone please translate what Urmagerlaerling means please[?] Sprogg XX
BibbiTo Sprogg Urmagerlaerling(iurmakerlærling) watcmaker apperentice.
Bibbioi. That i in urmakerlærling is not suppose to be there. Bibbi
jwiborg...and to continue that track, I guess the profession should be spelled watchmaker apprentice... [;)] //Jan
Bibbiyes ....... Bibbi
sproggHi thanks for that, it's interesting to know (even if it isn't him) Sprogg[:)]
sproggHi! Would somebody be so kind as to translate what the following mean Kjonn Bosatt Yrke Fodselsar I have come across the census, but can't figure out what everything means, Also if someone could translate, Har husmandspl.m.J Leier desuden bort lidt hjeldbrug og et nost. Thank you so much in advance, Sprogg
Jo Anne SadlerHere is an excellent Norwegian Dictionary: http://home.online.no/~otjoerge/files/word.htm
sproggHi! Thanks for that, there are a couple of words that I still can't find though if someone could help out, the initials m.j i've found that m could just be short for -husband/man, but i've got no idea what the J could be for. and I can't find lidt or hjeldbrug. I was looking for a census that would have had Halvdan as a son and Martin as a father, which I didn't come across, but I did come across one where there was no father mentioned, but it had that sentance next to the mother and wondered if it meant the father was away working somewhere or something. Har - has/have husmandspl - cottersfarm m. - man/husband j. - ? leier - tenant desuden - in addition/besides/moreover? bort - away lidt - ? hjeldbrug - ? og - and et - a/one nost - second eldest son (that was the nearest one I could find) Am I right or wrong? I'm finding it a bit confusing