Need quick Translation- vaestre
chefmegan101Hey all, I need a quick translation of a term, the word vaestre. I am looking at the digitalarkivet at the farm name and it says the farm name is Rund vaestre. I don't know what the hot key is for the letter " ae", so the English-Norwegian dictionary doesn't recognize it. Thanks for your help Megan
askeroiIt's an old spelling of vestre - which means "western". The Rund farm had at some time in history split into more than one farm. Your ancestor came from the western part of the Rund farm. Other parts COULD be called østre (eastern), øvre (upper), nedre (lower), store (the big part), lille (the small part), nordvestre (north-western) etc depending on size, terrain and other local differences. Was this quick enough?
chefmegan101That is great. Thanks a lot.