Where is Hamar, Norway?
NearNorsewoodCan anyone tell me where is Hamar, Norway?
Jo Anne SadlerGoogle.com - Hamar, Norway, county - gobs of info will come up.
NearNorsewoodThanks, Jo Anne. I hadn't thought to put the word "county" into my search. I'd only come up with loads of people with surname Hamar and other stuff on South Carolina! Hamar: http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Hamar
NearNorsewoodCan anyone tell me how far it is from Hamar to Grue?
jwiborgHi, you'll have to drive through Elverum, the distance will be 94 km, and will take you 1.5 hrs by car today. [img]http://www.campingguiden.no/hedmark/images/stortkarthedmark.gif[/img] Jan Peter
NearNorsewoodThanks, Jan Peter. This is very helpful.