Rund Farm Location
chefmegan101Hi everyone- I've got a question about the land that my ancestors owned. I want to find the general area on a map of Norway and Im not sure where to find that out. I know that the place names and location have changed a bit and Im having a really hard time figuring it all out. Here is the most complete information from the digitalarkivet (My ancestor is Bjorn Rund as listed above) So is there a way to find out where it was located? If so, what are the coordinates so I can find it on a current map? I'd LOVE love LOVE it if I could get some assistance, you've all been a great help in the past. [:D][:)] Megan
Jo Anne SadlerA quick Google search shows much information on Sigdal, Buskerud, Norway including a recent posting here:
kaare nCan not find the farm name exatly but this is the area.
chefmegan101Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it. I'm always impressed with the knowledge you guys can give!!!!