Svante August Peterson
kjetilSvante leav his fam. in Modum in ca 1880 and, after all we know , went to US. We have tryed to find him at all diferent passenger list, but can`t find him. He`s born 1842, in Sillerud, Sweden. He leav his Wife and 4 children. Maybe he went to Hawaii, 2 bouts leave Drammen in 1880, but we can`t finde him at the list, but there is a person called Petterson ther, but non first name. Kjetil
Jo Anne SadlerDo you know his exact date of emigration - month, day, year? That would help. Maybe in the church records. The only person I can find that remotely fits this person is: Svante Peterson, born Sweden, age 44 (1841/42), arrived Port of New York on August 9, 1885 on the S/S Geiser from Copenhagen, laborer, destination United States. Not traveling with a family.
kjetilI don`t think this is the right one, i think HaWaii is cor. After all we know, he go to US(Hawaii) in 1880. I have see a articel in this forum, and tryed to get contact whid the writer, but the e-post add. was wrong. Kjetil