Sivertsen Relatives
tonifulkI'm looking for any information you might have on Paul, Peder, Lars, and Ole Sivertsen. They left Norway for America in 1881, 1882, and 1886. Our family never heard from them again. Paul Sivertsen was born Jan. 22, 1858, Peder was born Jan. 22, 1860, Lars was born May 1, 1862, and Ole was born May 21, 1864. Their father is Sivert Paulsen Saetrum born April 16, 1834. Their mother is Brita Katrine Pedersdatter Hersleb born in 1836 in Kaafjord. Our other relatives that immigrated to America ended up in North Dakota, Minnesota, Michigan, Seattle, WA, and Bethel, AK. Many of our Sivertsen relatives are still in the Finnmark region in Norway. We would all appreciate any information you might have about Paul, Peder, Lars, and Ole Sivertsen. You may e-mail Pal Sivertsen at or me at Thank you very much! Mike Fulkerson
Jo Anne SadlerHave you found them on the moving out records? That would give information on place of birth, current residence, final destinations. These are rather common names, they may have gone by their farm name America.
Originally posted by tonifulk
I'm looking for any information you might have on Paul, Peder, Lars, and Ole Sivertsen. They left N
Be sure to check it yourself, trusting others might not always be the smartest thing to do.
Jo Anne SadlerYes, but others give hints and clues and guidance to the actual record.[:)]