Halfdan M Paulsen (1902-1980) RELATIVES
nasakatarenWe are looking for Halfdan Paulsen`s relatives. We know that he lived in the state of Illinois and died there in 1980. His wife`s name was/is Esther. He was born in Norway 03/23 1902 Bergen (breivik) We have just started looking and we are wondering if anyone can help us with were we can get useful information. He was still in Norway in 1927. Please help us
BriningYou could get a copy of his obituary which might list surviving relatives. The Villa Park Argus Obituary Index has him listed and they offer copies. [url="http://www.villapark.lib.il.us/local/obits/index.htm"]Click Here[/url] Carla
Originally posted by Brining
You could get a copy of his obituary which might list surviving relatives. The Villa Park Argus Obituary Index has him listed and they offer copies. [url="http://www.villapark.lib.il.us/local/obits/index.htm"]Click Here[/url] Carla
Thank you Carla!