Martin Johnson
cripkenHello - I'm looking for help with my ggg grandfather, Martin Johnson. According to our records he was born in Røkens parish, Norway, in the fall 1832. Martin left Norway in the of spring 1854 and arrived to Dane Co., Wisconsin, the same spring. I'm looking for any information about his family in Norway. Any help would be much appreciated, Chris
HopkinsParish records for Røken parish in Buskerud, Norway can be found listed in the LDS Family History Library catalog under the spelling "Røyken". They have microfilmed copies of the Røyken parish records for years as early as 1701. If you find his birth/baptismal record in those parish records you will have a good start to track information about the family.
Jo Anne SadlerHere is the link for the LDS church records, they also have other records for this parish: [url="*,0,0"]click here[/url]
Jo Anne SadlerThere is quite abit available on Digitalarkivet for Røyken: [url=""]click here[/url] Including some online parish registers but they are after Martin emigrated: [url=""]click here[/url]