Lines Serving Bergen in 1884
donsatherI have an ancestor that checked out of Bergen, Norway with a destination of America on 1/14/1884 on the "Linje Line". Can anybody help me identify what ship he took and the port in America he may have landed at or point me to a resource I could use to find out? Thanks!
Borge"Linje" Line is no line, what more does it say? (What was your ancestor's name?) Børge Solem
donsatherThe name of the ancestor is Christen Olson Sætre.
BorgeIf this is the same person as the Christian Olsen Sæther, b. 1864 from Nordre Aurdal, which is listed in the digitalarkivet, the name of the line was "Dominion Linie" Børge Solem
donsatherThe person you identified is my great-grandfather. Is there any way to find out what ship was taken and where it's destination was? Thanks for your help!
BorgeHi might just have made it in time for the S/S Ontario from Liverpool Jan 17th (arr. Halifax Jan 30), or the S/S Dominion which departed from Liverpool (probably the one of the last days of January or first days of February) and arrived at Halifax on February 12th. The lists are filmed and are list 8 and 10 on roll C-4512 (National Archives Canadia) Børge Solem
donsatherThank you so much!! Don Sather