Bergensfjord - 1928
desertvikingWhen doing genealogy I find that one of my grandmother's uncles emmigrated from Melhus, Sor-Trondelag, to Canada. Since I have no idea where in Canada, I am wondering if anyone knows where Bergensfjord, of the Norwegian American line went to, after leaving Trondheim Januar 19, 1928. Grateful for any and all answers. Kari
BorgeThe Bergensfjord departed from Olso on January 19th called at Stavanger and Bergen on the 20th, then sailed to New York via Halifax, arrived at New York on February 1st. It is possible that your grandmother's uncles departed from Trondehim on the 19th on a coastal steamer to be in Bergen by the 20th and embark on the Bergensfjord there. I see in the Digitalarkivet a Brekaas family from Melhus (is that your fam.?) departing from Trondheim on the 17th, and that might indicate a train to Oslo to embark there. (their destination was Canada) Børge Solem