Departure point from Norway
pmikkelsenMy grandfather came to the US on a ship from Liverpool (as a member of the crew). But he would have had to travel to England from Norway first. Can anyone tell me which Norwegian ports had the most ships that traveled to England (ca 1903-4)? Were there ports that served this route more frequently than others? Also, can someone confirm for me whether the emmigrant files at the Digitalarkivet contain crew (or not)? I will appreciate any feedback...
BorgeAll the mayor cities (Oslo, Kristiansand, Stavanger, Bergen and Trondheim) in Norway had regular routes to England in those days. There were also calls made to several other ports in smaller cities. The emigrant files in the Digitalarkivet does not contain crew lists, but in many (not as a rule!) cases they contain sailors who intended to emigrate. Børge Solem