Norwegian Census
Betty Jean EllingsonI have been on the digitalarkivet re: the 1900 Norwegian Census and I think that I found the name of the head of the family that I am trying to find (my great-great-grandfather), but when I click on his name on the listing, I am unable to click on it again to get his name and the rest of the members of his family. It is different than the 1865 abd 1875 census formats (I used another web site for those) and this is the only web-site for the 1900 census I could find. It is frustrating when you find the name you need but cannot retrieve any information. Any suggestions? Betty Jean Ellingson
Betty Jean EllingsonI put in the incorrect date that I was looking for. I was in the 1801 census from Norway and having a difficult time retrieving any family info on the name I had found. Sorry.... Thanks for your time.....Will the 1801 census give me family lists like the 1865, 1875, and 1900 census' did?? Thanks..... Betty Jean Ellingson
Will the 1801 census give me family lists like the 1865, 1875, and 1900 census' did??
Yes, it is pretty much the same. That is also one of the advantages with the Digitalarkivet, it works more or less in the same way on all the different databases that they are offering. Børge Solem