S K U T E S E name
SarahLooking for relatives and/or ancestors in Norway that have this particular last name. Thank You
BorgeThis subject has been discussed here before. Please use the search option before posting, so you can find out if a topic has been posted before: http://www.norwayheritage.com/snitz/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=559 and http://www.norwayheritage.com/snitz/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=574 Børge Solem
SarahNew members have nothing aelse to say about it? Those posts don't really answer my question!?! There its all about dialekt and stuff, I am looking for relatives and/or ancestors in Norway. Danke.
ninakarlsThere is no one with this surname in either tax-lists, telephone directory or census-data for Norway!