Prussian 1882 to Halifax
Jan HabberstadOn board the ship Karl Langseth, 26 years, born about 1858. Does the passenger list say more about where he came from ? When did the ship leave Europe, and wherefrom?
BriningGo to this site and search on Langseth (there are other Langseths listed you might be interested in) You have to purchase the record but if you click on the record # it does tell you what should be on the record. Hope it is the correct one. Carla
ninakarlsDo any of these names from the emigration protocols of Oslo seem familiar? 11.04.1902 Gustav Karls. Langseth ug snedker=carpenter 21 Eidsvold N. Dakota Høhnke Montebello Prp. R. 11.04.1902 Sofie Karls. Langseth ug 19 Eidsvold N. Dakota Høhnke Montebello Prp. 27.09.1912 Olaus Karls. Langseth g snekker=carpenter 04.12.1874 Amerika Minnesota Kjerschow Tietgen 651 3 pers. på besøk fripas koppeatt. fripas l. her 1903 27.09.1912 Marie Karls. Langseth g 05.11.1868 Amerika Minnesota Kjerschow Tietgen 27.09.1912 Aksel Karls. Langseth ug 13.08.1901 Amerika Minnesota Kjerschow Tietgen 23.04.1913 Gustav Karls. Langseth g snekker 14.07.80 Amerika (Eidsvold) Minnesota Bennett Eskimo 247 paa besøk utv. till. av Akershus Krigsk. 12.06.1914 Gustav Karls. Langseth g snekker 14.07.1880 Amerika New York Henriksen Bergensfj. via B. 553 5 pers. på besøk skr. fra lensm. i Eidsvold 12.06.1914 Marie Karls. Langseth g 08.09.1881 Amerika New York Henriksen Bergensfj. via B. 12.06.1914 Eugen Karls. Langseth ug 22.06.1905 Amerika New York Henriksen Bergensfj. via B. 12.06.1914 Johan Karls. Langseth ug 21.11.1906 Amerika New York