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S/S Orlando (1), Wilson Line Main Page >>

BurdenBuiltShipowner or operator Dimensions
1,581 gross 1869 at Hull, England by C. & W. Earle Wilson Line, Hull, England 260ft x 32.2ft x 19ft 
 1869 LaunchedAtlantic Journey ID 4133
 1870 Trondheim to No info.   
 1873 Major repairsAtlantic Journey ID 4134
 1878 Lengthened to 274 feet, and had new boilersAtlantic Journey ID 4135
 1882 Christiania - Christiansand - Hull   
 1884 Christiania - Christiansand - Hull   
 1885 Christiania - Christiansand - Hull   
 1891 Christiania - Christiansand - Hull   
 1894 Christiania - Christiansand - London   
 1895 Christiania - Christiansand - London   
 1896 Christiania - Christiansand - Hull   
 1897 Apr. 23, Capt. Williams on route Kristiania - Hull with passengers and cargo: 23.000kg sewing, 47.000kg paper and 30.000kg wood pulp.Atlantic Journey ID 4919
 1897 Kristiania - Kristiansand - Hull   
 1897 Kristiania - Kristiansand - London   
 1898 Kristiania - Kristiansand - London   
 1900 Kristiania - Kristiansand - Hull   
 1900 Kristiania - Kristiansand - London   
 1901 Kristiania - Kristiansand - Hull   
 1901 Kristiania - Kristiansand - London   
 1904 Kristiania - Kristiansand - Hull   
 1906 Kristiania - Kristiansand - Hull   
 1909 Sold to Paul Castinie, France - renamed "Algerie"Atlantic Journey ID 4136
The information listed above is not the complete record of the ship. The information was collected from a multitude of sources, and new information will be added as it emerges

Details: 1581 gross ton, 1197 under deck and 1031 net.Forecastle 29 feet length. Rigging: iron single screw steam Schooner; 2 decks; 2 bulkheads and 3 partial bulkheads. Compound engine with 2 cylinders of 38 & 76 inches diameter, delivering 300 horsepower. The engine was built by the same company as the hull. Call sign: JPVG. Official registration #: 60199.

The Orlando and Rollo are two fine new screw-steamers built to the order of Messrs. Thomas Wilson, Sons, and Co., steamship owners, of Hull, expressly for the passenger trade between Hull and Gothenburg. They will make the sea passage in forty hours, which will furnish the shortest and most direct communication with Sweden and Norway. Both these steamers are of the following dimensions: length, 260 ft.; breadth, 32 ft.; and depth, 19 ft; tonnage, by register, 1500 tons. Each vessel has five water-tight bulkheads and a long deck-house, covering the engines and boilers. The saloon and sleeping-berths are well arranged for the comfort of the passengers in the centre of the vessel, so as to avoid the motion of the seas as much as possible. The sleeping-berths are large and comfortable, and mostly for only two passengers in one state-room; but there are also family cabins and ladies' cabins, with every comfort and convenience . These cabins, being all on the upper deck, will have excellent ventilation. The accommodation is forty-two first-class passengers and thirty second-class passengers. The engines are compound, with all the modern improvements, surface condensing, and will work up to 1200-horse power. The vessels and engines were built by Messrs. C. and W. Earle, of Hull, who are building also two other vessels for Messrs. Wilson, suitable for the Suez Canal. These new vessels will increase Messrs. Wilson's fine fleet of steamers to twenty-nine, most of which are nearly new, with engines and boilers of an improved class. Two others are building much larger than the Orlando and the Rollo. In the trial trip of the Orlando, with a company of ladies and gentlemen invited by the owners, down the Humber and outside Spurn Head, the vessel attained a speed of twelve knots and a half an hour. The ease and grace of her movements, the comfort and elegance of her passenger accommodation, and the performance of her steam-engines, were much admired. Messrs. Wier and Co.'s atmospheric telegraph is fitted for steering and for steaming. By this apparatus the captain, while standing on the bridge, without uttering a word, or any action but the movement of a handle, is able to give orders to the man at the wheel or the engineer. By his message repeating itself before him he has instant assurance that his orders have reached their proper destination. This system works admirably, and is capable of useful extension to the lighting and signaling of ships. During the trip the party on board sat down to a bountiful and well-served luncheon. Mr. T.W. Palmer, who proposed success to the Orlando and the owners, said he had visited the Clyde, the Tyne, and the Tees, and had seen many of the finest vessels built on those rivers, but he had never seen a finer or better-fitted ship than the Orlando. He complimented the Messrs. Earle on having produced so fine a ship, and the Messrs. Wilson on this important addition to their fine fleet of ships, which he believed was the largest privately owned fleet of steam-ships in the world. [Illustrated London News, Aril 2, 1870 p. 350]

Orlando (1), Wilson Line steamship cabin plan
Orlando (1), cabin plan
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